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Coronavirus: How police tracks your phone during the coronavirus crisis!

Johnny Exodice
Johnny Exodice - 605 Views
Published on 02 Apr 2020 / In

The coronavirus crisis continues. Extreme situations require extreme measures. In some countries, people are being tracked and monitored through their cell phones. Checks are being made to ensure that people who have been infected with the coronavirus and have COVID-19 really do remain in quarantine. What do you think of the tracking? Is it justified or not by the coronavirus. Let us know in the comments...

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Johnny Exodice
Johnny Exodice 4 years ago  

The Brash and The Bold

It seems that Trump and Pence and his Generals keep me around so they can TEST THE WATERS of the American Populations, and when they got their Verification, and CONFIRMATION that no U.S. Citizen will REVOLT even when they know “COVID 19” is a Military Invasion of these 50 States For America by the ACT OF 1871 “District Of Columbia” The U.S. FLAG, you can finally see how people whom are possessed by Evil Lunatic Spirits respond… The GENERAL at Donald J. Trumps Press Briefing for the invasion of The Caribbeans and South and Central “Americans” to put down the DRUG CARTELS is just “A Cover Story” too Kill as many “Latino Populations” as they can with the U.S. NAVY and even the U.S. Coast Guard!!! While we the “nonmason populations” on the WEST COAST of America are to be slaughtered as CARTEL Members for have not the GOVERNMENTS of our Prisons Released [all your Loved ones] to be HUNTED DOWN by the Q-Anon Movement??? Listen to these Trumpets speak as his DOD and that “Shameless General” for all they want as The COMET ATLAS is in the sky is just more MURDER and more Mayhem!!!

I forget how easily “we the people” [{**}] are influenced by WAR TALK when War is Murder, and when ALL NATIONS have {locked down} +=+ their Populations, we know the TRUMP STORM MILITARY does not go down into these “Brown Skin” Nations to Kill their White Blue Eyed Leaderships, but only the Brown Skins and the “Brown Eyes” / * \ as every nation is on LOCK DOWN, so it will be “Easy Pickings” for JADE HELM 15 + REX 84 to do “mass slaughter” and evisceration of the moms and dads and babies to “children toddlers” as a POWER GRAB for the UNITED NATIONS “International Mafia” of FREE MASON Lodges, and you would do well U.S. Citizens even if you have “light skin” [{*}] and BLUE EYES for these MASONS are all possessed by Lunatic “Evil Spirits” as they are with the same TRUMP that “pulled off” the September 11th, 2001 Attacks “on our people” almost 20 years ago…

THEY LIVE believe their “own madness” that to kill is POWER??? Well then my people “of and for” OUR WORLD REPUBLIC CONSTITUTION Coalition, has not the U.S. GOVERNMENT and U.S. MILITARY shown you “their” true desire??? To kill innocent people “cause they can” say on the CNN to the FOX NEWS that they are all DRUG DEALERS and Drudge Addicts.?.?.?.?.? The U.S. Military is the WORLD POLICE of the U.N. FLAGS and they “will be used” with NATO on Australia – Canada – Gemany – France – Japan and any place from Hong Kong to “Laos” where people and CITIZENS “Rise up” to take back their FLAGS from this “International Mafia” of FREE MASON Lodge members, so keep killing all DEMOLAY – Jobs Daughters – Rainbow Girls and “feed your” GOD and KING for “your needs” as My ANGELS AND MY DEMONS!!!

Yes, my nonmason populations and People {we are surrounded} by EVIL SPIRITS and Crazed Insane Spirits in the Madness known as FREE MASON and all “Q - TROJAN HORSES” associated with FREE MASON be it your Abusive C.O.P.S. To your FEMA DEATH CAMP Prisons and Jails, and all them FREE MASON “Judges” whom do SEDITION while we The nonmason “are laid to waste” in South America, but do not just focus on the U.S. that is just these U.N. Troops……., look at what your Military is doing in your HOME LANDS from the Middles East to Africa to “Europe” and Beyond even into Asia for these MERCHANTS SHIPS of the “Made In China” Stock Market Crash will say: Only MADE IN CHINA The RED Dragon can “save” the world now, so let us go to WAR just as the Book of Revelation demands of “mad people” with sick twisted perverse DEPLORABLE “Ideals” would peruse…

Johnny Exodice


Just LISTEN TO THEIR TONE “of Voice” for the First 20 Minutes, and you know they are “coming for you” my U.S. Veterans!!!! You will be “picked off” as they do the “Knock knocks” going DOOR TO DOOR….., and then “THEY LIVE” will say you “U.S. Veterans” are the “Drug Dealers” and CARTELS “in their” CONTROL and Command of all “International Media” too LOCAL NEWS………

Battle Bots, Slaughter Bots, and TERMINATORS “will be unleashed” on the Populations that need to die out by 2025 C.E. so go to DEAGEL DOT COM >>> Countries, and check your POPULATIONS by the year 2025 T.L. for says the USA “will only have” 54 Million Alive in 2025 A.D.

Dumb ass!!!! Now the FREE MASON [Lodges] can come kill you, so YOU DEAD…

The Commander~


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Johnny Exodice
Johnny Exodice 4 years ago

Teacher…, what is your PURPOSE now that the U.S. MILITARY and U.S. GOVERNMENT as the U.N. Troops you have been warning all nations to prepare for an ALIEN INVASION of Doppelgangers from the Other Side of our FLAT EARTH in this Celestial Sphere??? It is evident that these FREE MASON Lodges EMPLOY the majority of people in our Cities and Small Towns as The Doctors, Nurses, School Boards, City Counsels, Judges, C.O.P.S., Military to G4S to your Congress – Parliaments – Senate and even EVERY PRESIDENT King or Queen of the UNITED NATIONS International Mafia of FREE MASON INTERNATIONALIST!!! Therefore, we NONMASON Citizen TAX PAYERS and Religion Tithing to Donations and Gifts have “been played” by all these FREE MASON Preachers in Islam, Catholicism, Buddhism, TALMUD ZIONIST, Jesuits, and the like from our Christian Denominations to every PROTEST MOVEMENT [{*}] Shut down by FREE MASON C.O.P.S. as they all “work as one” doing SEDITION to WE THE PEOPLE of our Nations, Boarders, FLAGS and Laws… That is a Ton of CONSPIRACY and Collaboration between all WORLD LEADERS whom adopt and promote this W.H.O. and W.T.O. and the I.M.F. of WAR WAR WAR will keep the “COVID-19” STOCK MARKET Happy??? Is the MONETARY SYSTEM we are all slaves to at this time worth “The Abortions” of your Blood Lines my nonmason??? Consider this, my MINE CRAFT Children of the NEW AGE??? The FREE MASON Faked Space, and Faked Moon Landings, and used “CGI Movies” like Star Wars and Star Trek and DARK MATTER To make you believe SPACE is real when the only space that matters now is “where you live” and walk, yet how can you live and walk when “you are denied” SOCIAL CONTACT and Connection with your Communities when all the places you “used to hang out” with other kids from Schools to Coffee Shops??? And what of your Parents and “older siblings” whom use to go to Bars and Dance Clubs to Socialize as Socialite’s where {they could} +=+ hold someones hands, and give a hug and A kiss to the one they love??? THE MACHINE called The EDISON A.I. of “Forced Technology” aka THE TV SCREEN be it your Black Mirror [Cell Phones] / * \ to your COLONY Season one NETFLIX 2DHD 65 inch FLAT SCREENS on this FLAT EARTH must be the FREE MASON best “Weapon of Choice” for do not your GOVERNMENTS Live off your Taxes.?.?.?.?, and that make them and “the police” and the military YOUR EMPLOYEES.?.?.?.?.?, and if your EMPLOYEE can gather “in groups” with guns and weapons and automation mechanization.?.?.?.?.?, then who are “your employees” to tell you as YOUR PUBLIC SERVANT what you their Boss and “Tax Paying Citizen” [{**}] are allowed or permitted to do??? The Book of EXODICE!!!!

You better {break some machines} and LAWS cause you my CITIZEN are the LAW not these Employees [your Governors] and Mayors of WE THE CITIZENS of our Lands!!!

The Commander~


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